A recent interview with former Lakers player Shaquille O'Neal on "The Pat McAfee Show" has shed light on the Lakers' new head coach, Redick. O'Neal used former Lakers head coach Phil Jackson as an example to discuss what Redick should pay attention to in coaching.
"He must learn the culture, understand what players like and dislike. For example, you can't yell at everyone," said O'Neal.
"Phil Jackson was a master at this. He would interview each of us, really trying to understand our mental state. He would give us books. You can't yell at certain players, so he had to understand each person, what to do and what not to do. If a coach can build a good relationship with the players, they will be more willing to play for the coach; on the other hand, if the coach has a bad relationship with the players, the coach's job will become more difficult."
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